
Id machine: Kinetic Mechanics sketch

Sketching some initial ideas that came out of a talk with Liam in terms of how the physical mechanisms will work

Through this process I highlighted some key questions to be resolved. Importantly a question I hadn’t considered properly before, What are the characteristics of the movement I want?…it’s not just about how I want the kinetic elements to move, but in what way should they move? How can I imbue this object with character?, how can I suggest life like intention the way that social robotic projects like Kismet do?. For my project, there are two elements to the mechanics

  1. Structural, actual factually practicalities of how to make it work, does it need to pivot here, can I move it in this way e.t.c.
  2. The qualities of the action/reaction scenario. In other words how will the narrative be played out, how will I show actions such as interest/dis interest?, in what way will the movement suggest the social intentions of the object? what is the emotional objective being presented in this form of Proto-conversation? What is it that I can do practically, that will allow the viewer to anthropomorphize this object and suspend their disbelief in order to take part in the scenario presented to them?

I have begun to answer this second question with my previous intention for this object, that is to represent one of the elements that make up the human psyche, the Id.

“The Id is a reservoir of need-gratification impulses such as primitive instinctual drives of sexuality, aggression, and hunger”-link

I want the object to well….be cheeky, to purposely be a little abrasive and difficult to get on with. The irrational childish and cartoon like nature of the Id informs how I want this object to behave, this behavior will largely be reflected in movement. I want the object to play with the participant, to seemingly get bored and lose focus, to interrupt…to suddenly burst into a reaction only to drift off afterward. The point of this personality (if you will) is to suggest intention, more importantly playful intention as a behavioral characteristic. This is designed to provoke a sense of curiosity and a more playful response in the participant, this in turn will lead the person to spend more time with Id Machine and to a degree a form of emotional bonding will be enacted.

The Id is a provocative, primal and evocative element to the make up of a personality and acts as a powerful driving force in terms of structural narrative devises, this connection between psychology and narrative is an area I will explore further in the future with more research. The Id is a complex element of the subconscious and I will need to spend alot of time to understand it’s inner workings and consequences.

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March 2011